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Europa 2020

The Europe 2020 strategy is the EU's agenda for growth and jobs for the current decade. It emphasises smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in order to improve Europe's competitiveness and productivity and underpin a sustainable social market economy.

First target: Employment

The Europe 2020 strategy sets out a target of ‘increasing the employment rate of the population aged 20 to 64 to at least 75% by 2020’.






Second target: R&D

The Europe 2020 strategy sets the target of ‘improving the conditions for innovation, research and development’, in particular with the aim of ‘increasing combined public and private investment in R&D to 3% of GDP’ by 2020.


Third target: Climate change and energy

Also known as the ‘20-20-20’ targets, the Europe 2020 strategy’s three climate and energy targets are interrelated and mutually support one another. First target is a 20% reduction in GHG emissions compared with 1990 levels. The second target is a 20% share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption. Finally, the third one is a 20% cut in energy consumption compared to a 2020 business-as-usual projection.

Greenhouse gas emissions since 1990

Maximum passable limit for 2020

Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption

Minimum target for 2020

MTOE* of primary energy consumption in

Fourth target: Education and training

The Europe 2020 strategy sets out a target of reducing the rates of early leavers from education and training to less than 10% and increasing the share of the population aged 30 to 34 having completed tertiary education to at least 40% by 2020.

Percentage of the population aged 30-34 with tertiary studies in was %

Fifth target: Poverty and social exclusion

The Europe 2020 strategy has set the target of ‘lifting at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty or social exclusion’ by 2020 compared with the year 2008.